
(2024). 'They Never Had a Chance': Unequal Opportunities and Fair Redistributions. Economic Journal, Conditionally Accepted.
(2024). How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues. Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 146, July 2024, 255-276.
(2024). It Is Not Just About the Price: Matching Subsidies Fail When the Ask Can Be Avoided. R&R Economic Journal.
(2024). Born to Wait? A Study on Allocation Rules in Booking Systems. R&R Production and Operations Management.
(2024). Who Stands Up to Persuade? Voluntary Influencers in Public Support for Pigouvian Taxation. R&R Economic Inquiry.
(2024). Optimal Contests with Negative Prizes: Theory and Experiment. R&R Management Science.
(2023). Preventive Wars. Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 142, November 2023, 552-569.
(2023). Persuadable or Dissuadable Altruists? The Impact of Information of Recipient Characteristics on Giving. Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 656, November 2023, 2925-2948.
(2022). Talking Behind Your Back: Communication and Team Cooperation. Management Science, Volume 68, Issue 7, July 2022, 5187-5200.
(2022). Tax Liability Side Equivalence and Time Delayed Externalities. European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 72, March 2022, 102110.